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Even though River and Aurora were freed, Sky's eyes were still blood red.
River's point of view...
Those eyes...I saw them before...Those were Sky's eyes when he was just released from the cyclinder...
Back to narrator's point of view...
"We have to stop him before...."River told the rest.
"Before he kills us."Strife finished the sentence.
"How do we stop him?"Gale asked.
"Calm him down."Strife answered.
The six of them ran towards Sky and tried to attack him.Unfortunately, he was too fast for them.
Suddenly, Sky pointed his sword at River.Everyone else gasped as they watched.As Sky was about to stab River, he suddenly flinched.Then his eyes slowly turned back to their original colour.
"Arrg..What happened?"Sky asked.
"Sky...You lost control."River replied.
"Oh..sorry."Sky told her.
"It's alright.It's not your fault."River replied.
"Everyone, come with me."Gale told them.
To Be Continued....